NFi Collab

Info & Frequently Asked Questions

What is NFi Collab?

Beginning in October 2013, NFi Collab is a group of nerdy folk making videos together on You Tube. It has grown from an initial six participants all the way to hundreds of contributions from all over the world. Originally started out as a project on a Nerdfighter forum, NFi is now a huge community with all types of people. The name was originally NerdfightersInfo, now it's generally just NFi for short.

How does it work?

Each week we have a theme/topic. Users sign up to make a video on that theme/topic, one for each day of the week.

Can I make a video?

Yes! Absolutely you can, we always need new people to help fill up the schedule. Join Us and then claim a spot on the schedule.

What are the rules for the videos?

There is only one rule for videos to be posted on the NFi channel. You must include the intro at some point in your video. Whereabouts is up to you. You can always find a copy of the latest version of the intro in the My Upcoming Videos section of the site.

Optionally: If there's already someone on the schedule the day after you (when you're filming your video), you can sign off with "/name/ we'll see you tomorrow". But if you're filming in advance and the schedule hasn't filled up yet you don't have to worry about it.

Need more info?

Contact @nficollab, @mattpalka, or @slayweb. Ask us direct questions or ask for links to the Discord or Facebook group.